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Two-Crystal Ball Problem

Given two crystal balls that will break if dropped from a high-enough distance, determine the exact spot at which it will break in the most optimized way.

Sometimes you receive the problem in the context of a building and you need to find the highest floor at which the ball will break.


The floors can be thought of as an array of booleans, where true means the ball will break and false means the ball will not break.

floors [ false false ... true true ... ]
| | |
0 | n

If we use linear search and start at 0, we will eventually find the first true value. But this doesn't utilize our constraints: we have two balls. The time complexity is .

We know that this array is ordered, so we can use binary search to find the first true value.

floors [ false false ... floors[i] = true? ... ]
| | |
0 | n
i = 0.5n

Well, if it's true, one of the balls broke. We will have to linearly search from 0 to i using the other ball to find the exact spot. If we run linear searches, the time complexity is .

Both of these approaches suck.

The problem is that we are jumping a portion of . We need to use a fundamentally different unit. For example, we can jump by .

floors [ f f ... t t t t t t t t t t t t ... t ]
| | | | |

In the worst case, we are running forward at most times, going back, and then linearly searching the last floors.

So, the time complexity is which is .


fn two_crystal_balls(breaks: &[bool]) -> u8 {
let jump_size = (breaks.len() as f64).sqrt() as usize;
let mut i = jump_size;
while i < breaks.len() {
if breaks[i] {
i += jump_size;
// linear search from i - jump_size to i
for j in (i - jump_size)..i {
if breaks[j] {
return j as u8;